Tuesday 1 January 2013

Benefit cosmetics haul! + souvenirs!!!

30/12 - Hi blog!! Blogging after a longggggg hectic & freaking exhausted day, fyi I just came back to the city and moved house, my hostel I mean. Finally settled everything and I just feel like doing something that I enjoy doing instead of sleeping(my sleeping time is kinda screwed.) I'm gonna blog about something unusual, it is about all the souvenirs I got from my parents(they went to US for a month last month) and of coz my bf's BKK souvenirs (actually there are some of the Sg souvenirs I kinda lazy to sort them out so yeah.) 

Started with my fav(!!!) BENEFIT COSMETICS. I swear I love their cosmetics not only the cosmetic itself but the outlook, is so vintage and cute I'm gonna die. When I first knew that Benefit is from San Fran I quickly called my mum to buy for me all of their products that I wanted(!!!) Buying in San Fran is SO MUCH MORE CHEAPER THAN IN MSIA, averagely saved up to RM40/ product. Oh I'm on cloud9.

ALL OF THEM (exclude the sample gifts, I swear the ang mos are so friendly they gave another 3 benefit products.)

1. Whatt's Up! 
This is magic, it would instantly make your face looks so much more brighter, illusion of having a higher nose and better complexion. Put in on the nose tip and cheek bones around your eyes. It is something like high beam, I wanted high beam for the longest time!! But this is the latest product which gives the same effects as high beam so yup.. Whatt's Up has this round spongy thingy for u to rub it fairly after applying instead of using hand, it's like a lightbulb ahh cute!
30USD converted to RM is about RM90. Here is selling RM129.

2. 'that gal' 
Oh, did you realized that all the product names are so awesomely cute!! Love it! This is a brightening face primer which makes yellowish skin more radiant and not so dull, suitable for Asians skin! My skin texture is damn yellowish, therefore I really need this to make my complexion more radiant, the product texture is pinkish. 'Face' savier! 

29USD is RM88+. Here is selling RM115.
3. Hello Flawless
This is obviously need no explanation 'hello flawless' is of coz giving you a flawless skin. I bought the liquid foundation cus I don't like my face looking very powdery. Make sure you choose the colour that suits your skin! :)
30USD is around RM90. Here is selling RM130.

With all the cute sample products. I LOVE THE BOX SO MUCH, is so cute can!! ( I should stop saying how cute is benefit cosmetics already..) and only can get it if you buying from the US(!!!) not very sure about this but I posted on insta a friend told me she can't get/get to see it in Msia. 

Regretted that I did not buy benetint, is one of the benefit products that I wanted for so long too. :( 

 Coach purse. 
Too bad the colour is a bit 'old', haih that time my mum whatsapped me it was BLACK in colour but she told me a bit greenish. Sis's is pink, is much more chic looking. My mum went like crazy shopping in Coach outlet factory(fyi, Coach is also selling cheaper over there, is like an outlet factory.) She bought 5 Coach bags for herself and 4 more for her sisters haha. Crazy mum is crazy. 
If I'm not wrong is around RM250 after converted from usd.

Yup, why 3? 1 for me, 1 for sister and 1 for my boyfriend. I swear my parents damn sayang my bf lor, they even remember to buy things for him after buying for me and my sis SEE privilege haha! Plus he last minute only decided to buy. Buying there already saved up to RM600+(!!!) for a phone without date plan(duh). So far no problems about the rumors spreading that 'buying iphone overseas couldn't be used in Msia'. One of my friends bought it at RM2700 here.   

 GAP hoodie.
See, my parents bought 3 hoodies for us again. 一人一,不用抢 HAHA. GAP is also so damn cheap in the US. I guess with the price selling in Msia, almost can get 3 hoodies there.   

BKK souvenirs from the bf! 
He got me a floral peterpan collar top, I actually showed him a lot of BKK haul from insta and showed him some specific cloths that I wanted. :b But he ended up buying this, it is actually quite aunty looking but I hope I can pull it off. ;) Also a pair of leather pants(!!) This one I must sincerely praise his taste is getting better haha. He said he braved himself and walked into a 'ah gua' shop to buy this for me HAHAHA. Thank you love! <3

Ending my entry with a happy pose cus happy girl is happy. 

Thank you for all the souvenirs and gifts! It made my 2012 ended with a beautiful full stop although I did not have a chance to travel in this year end, partly because of my holiday is ridiculously short. :( Hoping 2013 will be a better year! Mr. Time could you pleaseeee slow down, not wanting another year just passed by like this *snip. The whole year of 2012 just flew away. 2013 will be me - turning 21. I'm  definitely not ready for this yet(and forever won't, I don't wanna grow old.) Signing off. 


ps : All photos taken by iphone5! Blogger app seriously saved up a lot of time for me to upload photos. <3

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