Wednesday 18 April 2012

The 16th.

Hello blog! 
Time to update a short post, about our 16th monthsary. I know right, maybe not every couple celebrates their monthsary but for us, we celebrate every month. It is kinda significant day. We would save up for this day and go for a descent meal or maybe catch a movie. Spend time together. :3

Midv. Coincidentally, it was a public holiday. Lesson learnt, nevahhhhHHHHHH go to malls on public hol and squeeze with the crowd, everywhere was so packed! Terrible long queue at gsc and every movies tix sold out. We waited 45 mins for Sushi Zanmai, felt dumb. :(

 Playing w/ focusing, Lucy ish ohzummmm. ;)

It is a norm for us to order ebidon- soft-shell crab maki- california rolls and end it w/ round tummy. :D

It was also the first day of Topshop Topman MV relaunched. Too bad we woke up late, the weather was so perfect to sleep. We didn't get the first 100th vouchers, damnnnn. I want their turquoise skinnies so badly. 




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