Wednesday 14 September 2011

Today's a fairytale.

Hi blog.

So 13 Sept has ended. It was the best birthday I ever had.
I have a bf that planned everything for me and my beloved friends. I love 'em all! Didn't get to feel so happy for quite a time. THANKS FOR THE DAY!! Esp to the bf, the day before he went from mall to mall to get something for me (my mum revealed the secret for me, hahah bocor) and not forgetting the main person that planned a surprise and also my evil friends who discussed on fb secretly, on that day we travel from here to there. He skipped many classes and now he's not feeling well. :(
THANKS for putting so much effort!

When the clock stroke 12, my silly sis called me straight, damn annoying. :p Although the next day is her spm trial, so nais of her. Good luck in your exam! The next of course is the bf! It was moon cake festival, I was eating moon cake from xuan with my roommates. Haha. Thanks to friends who texted me that night!

We started our day by going MidValley, watched The Smurfs 3D. First time watching 3D movie in the cinema. *jakun* Awwww, lil smurfies are so adorable. Ok, before watching the movie I admit that I felt so annoyed when people smurf here and there in fb etc. But now I'm in love with them, esp Smurfette! Love her gold hair. :p   La la la la la la~ sing a happy song. 

Lunch at Chillis, got a free brownie with vanilla ice-cream cus.. ya know who is the birthday girl. He he he.

Back to Pyramid.
I was really confused what's the point of him going back to Pyramid , the only thing I know is I wanna go back to my place and change my outfit. Loll.
When we reached Pyramid, I got a surprise gift from Diva, and the sales girl said : you're sucha lucky girl. I was like ok thanks that's all. Until he cheated me to Secret Recipe, he said that wanna buy a small piece of cake, I was like ok why not.
When I reached there, at first saw Daniel, I tot he was having lunch with her churchmates. -.- Until they sang the birthday song with a butterscotch cake! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Happy tears rolled down. :') Frankly, AM I THAT BLUR?! I DON'T KNOW THAT AT ALL. They waited for hours cus I was really late and I didn't expect at all. Miss Amd told me she is not coming to uni the day before, liar!! :p
BTW, THANK YOU EACH AND EVERYONE, Kyle, Amd, MunYee, XiangMei, Cassandra, Poh, Xf, Kc, Scott, Daniao, Jason, Bryan, Casper & Hasboy!!

6pm : the traffic gettin more and more congested as usual, but this time we are down  to KL. Expected the traffic will be horrible, and rain started to pour, worsen the traffic.
After some time, we reached Luna Bar finally! and it was early for us to go to a bar to chill at that time, wrong timing. -.- After chilled for awhile, we off to Pavilion. I really love that place, gotta come again with my friends! Not that day, cus the floor is wet and we didn't make reservation before that. Yuppp.. Walk around in Pavilion while shops are closing at that time. -.- Spent most of the time in the car to be frank. T.r.a.f.f.i.c.j.a.m

Lastly, had our supper at Wong Kok. There was a free giant milk tea for birthday girl, we didn't know it is so giant until it comes. Thanks to that, I slept at 5. O.O Tea makes me awake.

When 13 Sept comes to the end, he sent me home. In the car he gave me a birthday pressie. Big fat liar, cheated me that no pressie for me, described until so dramatically pathetic, ughhhhhh! Hou yehhh. Thanks to Amd for the photoframe with a memorable expression, card and necklace from fellows friends and 2 mooncakes. hehe.

I have nothing to say but THANKS FOR MAKING ME HAPPY! Thanks to people who wish me on fb, twitter, text and call. Thanks to jimuis for early birthday celebration.


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